10 Dog Videos for Kids

Does your child love to watch dog videos? For kids, dogs can keep them singing, laughing, and dancing!

children with a shepherd dog

Are you looking for a new way to entertain your child? Does your little girl or boy love puppies? YouTube has a great selection of dog videos for kids. Some are educational, and others are just pure funny. These short clips will give your children some “screen time,” but because they are short in nature, won’t allow your children to become glued to your computer. I hope you enjoy my favorite dog videos for kids!

 1. B-I-N-G-O

Before you click this video, you should probably know that this song will get stuck in your head. B-I-N-G-O is one of my very favorite songs. What’s better than to learn a nursery rhyme about a dog than from a cartoon dog? If your child has learned her letters, she will love this video.


2. The Back Scratching Duo

Ever watch a dog scratch a boy’s back while the boy scratches the dog’s back? This heartwarming and funny video is bound to make your little one laugh. I mean – these two really work great as a team! I wonder if I can convince anyone in the BuzzFarmers‘ office to try this out with me.


3. Sock Stealing Puppy

Here is what I think happened –this baby wanted to put socks on this pup’s foot, and he wasn’t standing for it. Or maybe those are just some yummy smelling socks? Either way, this puppy loves to play with his tiny human friend. If your little one loves dogs, he might love watching this video.


4. Catchy Dog Nursery Rhymes


If you have a child who loves to sing and listen to nursery rhymes, this is one of the best dog videos for kids. Your little one can sing along with this video, and also count the fingers and follow the puppy family while they are playing in the video. There are many other animal “finger family” nursery rhymes on YouTube, so if your child loves this one, there will be many more for him or her to check out!

5. Music to Dance Along to

Love good music? I do too. One of my most recent favorite songs is Pharrell’s “Happy.” I don’t know how people can stand still when that song comes on? My tail starts wagging, and eventually my behind starts moving from side-to-side. Then one day I found this video! It’s the puppy-version of “Happy!” Seriously – the words are changed to match a canine’s perspective. This is my new favorite song, and I’ll bet your young child will love it, too!

 6. Music Learning Videos

Okay, so this video doesn’t only  feature dogs, but it’s great for little children who are learning. The song is easy to sing along with, and it’s catchy! I just wish there wasn’t a cat in the video. Oh, and I wish I had a lion as a pet. Videos like this will help your child identify different animals and will teach them different sounds pets make. I love learning videos!


7. Oldies But Goodies

Sesame Street is the best. I simply love watching this show. I know a lot of kids who love Elmo, and I bet they’d love this song about walking the dog. In fact, the next time my parents bring me on a walk, I’m going to request we all sing this song together!


8. Puppy Teachers

Lizzie, the dog, is a teacher. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher! This video is great for any tiny two-leggers who are trying to learn their numbers. The sounds, along with the number shapes, will help them learn numbers on their own time. Lizzie, the puppy, helps the children identify where the numbers are located. She gives them enough time to guess on their own, and then uses her paw to show the audience the correct answer. This is much more fun than learning with flashcards!


9. Entertainment TV


I’ve told you many times before, but there are some talented pups out there in the world. I especially love dancing dogs, and from what I hear, children do too! I searched online for my favorite dancing dog videos for kids, and I bet your little one will love this one who dances to The Flintstones theme song.


10. Sing-Along Cartoons

If your child loves animation, he’ll likely love this video. Not only is the song great, but the cartoon is perfect for a child. My favorite part of this video is when Ben the Dog watches the goldfish and his eyes move back and forth as the fish swims. Be prepared to have this tune on repeat once your little one listens to this song!

Do you have a favorite dog video that children would love? Which was your favorite in this list? Let me know in the comments!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!

About Napa 'ze Dog

My name is Napa and I'm the Lantern Content Marketing Adventure Company office dog. They create content for business blogs, so I do my part by blogging about pet stuff. My favorite topic is poop! Since you asked, I'm an F2B Miniature Goldendoodle. Everything else you want to know about me is right over here!

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