Dealing with Heat Stroke in Dogs

Heat stroke in dogs can be deadly. It’s the summer time and each day it gets a little bit warmer. The best way to prevent heat stroke in dogs is to adequately prepare for any hot environments your dog may be in. At the dog park, we always bring a jug of water and a bowl. Most of the […]

What Do Dogs Dream About?

Dogs do dream. But what do dogs dream about? Most experts agree that dogs dream about playing with other dogs, chasing cats and other animals. How can you tell if your dog is dreaming? During a dog’s dream phase they can be often heard yipping and yelping in their sleep. Sometimes they even wake themselves […]

The Health Benefits of Dog Ownership (There Are Lots!)

The health benefits of owning a dog include reducing allergies in young kids, increased exercise, lowered blood pressure and more… To many, owning a pet is simply about having companionship or for the feeling one gets when they have a living thing that depends on them for their happiness and well being. But, having a […]

How to Get Rid of Tapeworms in Dogs

Getting rid of tapeworms in dogs always requires a veterinarian Guest post A dog is no doubt man’s best friend. He loves you more than he loves himself. But sometimes our best friend needs much attention especially when he starts falling sick. Many dogs at some or the other phase of life are infected by […]