Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?

Much to his surprise, Napa recently learned that his friends Fenway and Lucy have eaten poop before! The dogs live in different households, eat different foods and different treats, and have different exercise patterns. The only constant is that both Fenway and Lucy seem to really love poop from the cat-litter box! Since many dogs […]

Dog Poop Clean Up Etiquette

If you’ve ever discussed dog poop clean up with friends, acquaintances, or even strangers, you’ve probably encountered many very strong opinions. Most vocal are pet parents who believe firmly in cleaning up after pets every time their four-legged friends use the bathroom. In fact, people who don’t even own animals feel strongly about cleaning up […]

Dog Constipation: Why Isn’t My Dog Pooping

Is your dog having a hard time going to the bathroom? Has it been a while since your four-legged friend has used the facilities? Wondering why Fido seems uncomfortable and is straining while trying to defecate? Chances are, your pooch may be constipated.   First, let’s define dog constipation. Constipation is infrequent or difficult defecation. […]

Do Dogs Cry Like Humans?

  When you’re upset, how do you process your feelings? Many pet parents are attuned to their four-legged friend’s feelings. They can inform you whether their dog is feeling happy or feeling down. But there’s often debate on the following: Do dogs cry like humans? Does your dog actually release tears from his eyes when […]