Remember how excited I was last week to introduce you to two work dogs? This week, you’ll get to meet three office dogs from Dynadot! Consider yourself the luckiest human or pup to ever walk the earth. These two gals and one macho male are gutsy and insightful. They can teach you how to build your own websites and register domains. In fact, there’s probably nothing these office dogs don’t know. Thank you to Gracie, Leela, and Tiger’s human parents for allowing them to interview with me.
Napa: What breed are you?
Gracie: Yorkie and Pomeranian Mix
Leela: Pit Bull
Tiger: My dad says I look like a Beagle, but my DNA test said I’m a pit bull mix. I’m actually not sure.
Napa: Tell me more about working at Dynadot.
Gracie: I love our Dynadot office. I’m a lucky pup to be able to go to work with my mom everyday.
Leela: I’ve been working at Dynadot for five years, and it’s a really tough job. I spend most of my day sleeping, snoring, and farting. When I get home, I’m so exhausted that I go straight to bed and sleep even more. Now you know why they pay me the big bucks!
Tiger: It’s so cool because I can visit all the people, and they pet me and play games with me. I wish Lila came to the office more because we play a lot.
Napa: What is a typical day like in the Dynadot office?
Gracie: My typical day at the office starts with greeting everyone as they come in. After I take attendance, I find a sunbeam for my morning sunbathing session. Lunch time is my favorite part of the day, especially when my coworkers share with me! In the afternoon, I alert the team when the mail has arrived and snuggle on my mom’s lap.
Leela: The first thing I do is sprint to Gracie’s office to see if she left any food for me. Then I run into every room searching for food on the floor or in the trash cans. I love food. Do you have food? FOOD!
Tiger: I’ll rest on my bed after saying hi to everyone, and then dad will take me to the park to chase balls for an hour. Sometimes I go to Luke’s desk to fart. He loves that.
Napa: Whose desk do you sit under most often?
Gracie: I follow my mom pretty much everywhere. When she leaves the office, I like to sit by the interns to make sure they are staying on task.
Leela: I love sitting under anybody’s desk that has sunlight. I love sunbathing almost as much as food … almost.
Tiger: I sit in the hallway mostly, since that’s where my bed is located.
Napa: When you get bored around the office (in between important tasks), how do you keep busy?
Gracie: I spend most of my time sunbathing in the office. I also like to people watch from my mom’s window.
Leela: Sometimes my dad will give me a squeaky toy or a pig’s ear to chew on. I’m definitely not annoying when I go “NOM NOM, SQUEAK, NOM, CRUNCH CRUNCH, NOM NOM, LICK LICK LICK.” I also like to play with Tiger and make as much noise as possible, but only if there’s an important meeting going on, and the humans are trying to talk to each other.
Tiger: I chew on my toys or go to Jacqueline’s room to hang out.
Napa: What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten around the office (even if you weren’t supposed to)?
Gracie: My favorite treat is cheese. Luckily my officemates sometimes share a tiny piece or two!
Leela: One time, Gracie was chewing on a chicken bone and dropped it when she was done. As soon as it hit the floor, I almost swallowed it whole. I felt really sick the next day, but it was worth it!
Tiger: My dad gave me a pig’s ear. I love it.
Napa: What’s your favorite funny dog video? Please share the link!
Gracie: I love this dancing dog!
Leela: This dog looks as happy as I do when I’m on forbidden furniture.
Napa: Where are you from? What’s your favorite trait about the area you live in?
Gracie: I live in San Mateo, Calif. My favorite thing about where we live is that we are close to the beach. I love running on the beach!
Leela: I live in Milpitas, Calif. I live in a big house with a big backyard. I love digging holes and eating anything I’m not supposed to. There was also this really fun stinky black and white dog that I tried to play with a couple times. Every time I go up to play with it, it sprays me in the face, and I stink for at least a month.
Tiger: I was a lost soul in Stockton before the SPCA picked me up.
Napa: If you could tell your Dynadot human coworkers anything, what would it be?
Gracie: Thanks for giving me love and attention every day!
Leela: Give me food.
Tiger: Change your socks more often.
Napa: Can you share any advice for other office dogs?
Gracie: If you are really lovey and snuggly, your coworkers will give you treats! Also, the water delivery guy is afraid of dogs, so leave him alone.
Leela: Ask your human for food and give it to me.
Tiger: Scratch the door if you need to pee.
Napa: If you could come up with your own personal websites, what would your domain names be?
Gracie: It would be a website where people could sent me treats.
Are you an office dog? Is your co-worker a canine? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch via email or leave a note in the comments section below!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!
Maybe I’ll transfer some domains to Dyndot. Like they have doggies in the office.