It’s tough to think about losing a loved one, but office dog Izzy works to help make it easier. His company, Heart in Diamond, creates beautiful jewelry from the ashes of your beloved pet, so you can always hold them close. Izzy seems like a very compassionate dog; I hope you enjoy his interview as much as I did.

Napa: What breed are you?
Izzy: I think I am part Shiz Tzu part Brussels Griffon…….they don’t really know because I was in a laundry basket behind a store and the label had fallen off.
Napa: Tell me more about working at Heart In Diamond Pets. I’d love to learn more about the company.
Izzy: We take care of people whose pets have passed away and they want to make a diamond from their fur or cremains. Some folks think it’s weird, but it’s because not everyone has heard of this. For those that have, they can keep a beautiful reminder of their companion with them everyday. They can even put a lock of their own hair in so they are together forever. We also work with the humans, but you might just want to know about the pets.
Napa: What is a typical day like in the Heart In Diamond Pets office?
Izzy: We start at 8:00 and I’m not really a morning person unless tempted by tasty morsels. It takes me a while to revive from my slumber. My momma works all day until 6:00. It’s sad some days because she has to speak with people that have just lost furry or regular family, and she tells them all about how we can help them with what we do.
I am really an observer because I have to keep guard for the FedEx guy and let him know there is 13lbs of terror lurking behind the office door. He knows I am just testing his reaction skills and always forgives me for that momentary loss of control.
Napa: Whose desk do you sit under most often?
Izzy: I gotta sit with the boss – I can’t loose sight of her. I also have a selection of comfy chairs that I can choose from, but if I get caught I have to pretend that I am injured and just slide off slowly. Sometimes I lapse into a dream state and display my ability to flicker my eyes and snore like a little piggy.
Napa: When you get bored around the office (in between important in the office tasks), how do you keep busy?
Izzy: Well the thing is, I was lulled into a false sense of security and could pick and choose my battles with the squeaky chicken ( it got de-squeaked very quickly) and slay the flat lifeless Raccoon. Then we got a new kid on the block – Jimmy aka Jimmy the Ninja – a cat. That thing is quick and quiet and he’s a competitor for emptying the trash can.
Napa: What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten around the office (even if you weren’t supposed to)?
Izzy: Well, in my mind it’s all edible. I kept stealing the stress balls and eating some of those, so now it’s either the corners of the cardboard boxes or I get my favorite which is doggy chocolates.. Real chocolate that is made for dogs – what a great invention; the humans can’t have it.
Napa: Where are you from?
Izzy: I am from Georgia but Momma is British so I am bi-lingual.
Napa: What’s your favorite trait about the area you live in?
Izzy: We got lots of nice lakes and mountains, but I ain’t allowed in them too much because we got a lot of snakes.
Napa: If you could tell your human co-workers anything, what would it be?
Izzy: Why does Jimmy get to sit on the comfy chairs and not me?
Napa: Can you share any advice for other office dogs?
Izzy: Don’t eat the stress balls they make your belly make funny noises. If they get a cat, then step up your game. Always sit under the desk and not at the side because cats tip things off the desk.
Napa: What would you like dogs worldwide to know about Heart In Diamond Pets and their mission. How can pups nudge their owners to honor them once they pass on?.
Izzy: They love their pets and they are a small team with a big big heart and they really do care about each and every pet they have in the office. If owners want to keep a part of their pet with them as a diamond it is better than keeping ashes in a jar at home because no one will take it if you need someone to care for it, but they will take care of a diamond.
Are you an office dog? Is your co-worker a canine? Get in touch on Twitter or leave a note in the comments section if you’d like to be interviewed!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!
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