Learn How to Sponsor a Guide Dog


Remember my pal Lucy, the Autism service dog from Rhode Island? After posting my #WorkingDogWednesday interview with her, many of you reached out to say you were so touched by her story. Some of you wanted more information on how to sponsor a guide dog. Aiming to please, I decided to put a list together with organizations that accept donations or give directions on how to sponsor a guide dog.


1. Guide Dogs of America

Sponsoring a guide dog at Guide Dogs of America is easy. Monetary donations are accepted in varying levels, from $1,000 to $42,000 investments. All you have to do is email (Sponsorship@guidedogsofamerica.org) or call them at (818) 362-5834 (and select “0”).

Can’t afford to give $1,000, never mind $42,000? Don’t worry, there are so many other ways you can donate to the organization that will go directly back to the dogs training or well-being. A $25 donation helps to microchip the dogs, and larger donations go toward other specific needs. If you only have $5 to spare, they’ll accept the donation and put it toward the cost of raising and training a new guide dog.


2. Guiding Eyes for the Blind

My friend Lucy was bred at Guiding Eyes for the Blind to become a seeing eye dog. While her training took her in a different path, this great organization accepts donations in various forms to breed, train, and take care of their dogs. Donations can be made online or mailed in through the postal mail.

To sponsor a puppy, a $5,000 donation will cover the cost of breeding, medical costs like vaccinations and maintenance meds like flea and tick medication, a microchip, x-rays, food, obedience classes, and more. If you choose to go this route, you’ll receive pictures, quarterly updates, and your name will also be sewn into their training jacket!

The best way to get involved (if you’re asking me) is through Puppy Raising! You can foster a puppy and provide the important first steps of training before their start their official guide dog training. How fun is that?


3. NEADS: Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans

NEADS: Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans is where Lucy was trained to be an Autism service dog. She was trained in a prison by a very loving inmate who taught her everything she would need to know before she made her way to her forever family.

Looking to name a dog? For a $2,500 donation, you can not only name one of the new puppies, but you’ll receive regular updates and pictures of the puppy throughout her training process. For $3,500 you can sponsor a Doggie Dorm for an entire year! You’ll get pictures and updates of every dog resident who stays in the kennel through their learning process.

Another awesome way to get involved is by sponsoring a client. Clients of NEADS who need monetary help will post their story. You can scan through them and make a monetary donation to whomever you’d like. If you’re feeling super generous, you could even donate a small amount to many of the clients in need.


There are many organizations out there besides these three that are looking for donations. Are you a pet store looking to make a difference? A donation of products such as leashes or dog food are in high demand. Are you a dog-friendly workplace looking to give back to the canine community? Consider allowing your employees to make payroll deductions that will go toward supporting a guide dog. If payroll donations aren’t your thing, consider hosting a yearly fundraiser or sending a corporate donation.

Do you have any other ideas on how to sponsor a guide dog? Let us know in the comments!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!

About Napa 'ze Dog

My name is Napa and I'm the Lantern Content Marketing Adventure Company office dog. They create content for business blogs, so I do my part by blogging about pet stuff. My favorite topic is poop! Since you asked, I'm an F2B Miniature Goldendoodle. Everything else you want to know about me is right over here!

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