I love interviewing office dogs that work in similar fields to me. Peanut and Charlie both work at Alberta Venture Magazine, and these dogs understand the power of words. In fact, Peanut and Charlie aren’t the only office dogs who work there. Next week, two more pups from Alberta Venture Magazine will be back and ready to share their thoughts on office dog life with you. I hope you’ll stop back and check it out!
Napa: What breed are you?
Peanut: Pekinese/Corgi
Charlie: I’m a mutt. People figure I have a fair bit of black lab in me.
Napa: Tell me more about working at Alberta Venture Magazine. I’d love to learn more about the company.
Peanut: Dog eat dog, man. I tell you, once you get that sales bone, you work it!
Charlie: My person started bringing me in a couple of winters ago on the really cold days. It’s pretty awesome. When I first get here in the mornings I head to Jen’s office, then to Charles’, then Kathy’s, and then Natalie’s to see what treats they have on hand. Next, I circle back to Tania, the receptionist, who usually has the best stuff to eat and really treats me like a prince. Then, I spend most of the rest of the day lying on the floor and getting belly rubs. Sometimes, I bark at the mailman. I always take my person for a walk in the river valley over lunch.
Napa: What is a typical day like in the Alberta Venture Magazine office?
Peanut: Lots of conversation at the pee post –followed by quick walks to collect our thoughts.
Charlie: Laying around. Snacking. Going to meetings. Walk in the river valley over lunch. Maybe a swim while I’m down there if it’s hot out. Then laying around again in the afternoon, leaving damp patches wherever I do so.
Napa: Whose desk do you sit under most often?
Peanut: Mommy’s.
Charlie: I like sitting in the middle of the hallway. There’s more action there: more chance of a belly scratch.
Napa: When you get bored around the office (in between important in the office tasks), how do you keep busy?
Peanut: I practice my flirting skills — after all, have you seen my co-dogs? A girl has to get to the top somehow!
Charlie: Sometimes I lick myself – sometimes my backside. Oh, and I’ll scratch my ears. I also go around looking for a second round of treats.
Napa: What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten around the office (even if you weren’t supposed to)?
Peanut: Pizza – don’t leave it so close to the ground if I’m not supposed to eat it!
Charlie: My buddy Samson’s person made pupcakes for his birthday last week. That was pretty awesome.
Napa: What’s your favorite funny dog video? Please share the link!
Napa: Where are you from? What’s your favorite trait about the area you live in?
Peanut: Originally, I was rescued from the mean streets of Winnipeg. My forever family moved to Edmonton a while ago. I like the dog walk park across from our house.
Charlie: I was born in Hay River, NWT. My mom was abandoned, so I spent some time at the shelter there. Then I got adopted by a family in Yellowknife. The best thing by far about Edmonton is the river valley. There are all kinds of off-leash parks with tons of dogs to sniff. On hot days you can take a quick dip.
Napa: If you could tell your human co-workers anything, what would it be?
Peanut: Belly scratches can solve the world’s problems.
Charlie: They’re awesome, and thanks for all the treats.
Napa: Can you share any advice for other office dogs?
Peanut: Hold your water. Indoor voices. Delivery men wear hats – get over it.
Charlie: Try not to bark at people who come into the office. You might ruin it for everyone. And no doing your business inside.
Napa: Have you ever written an article for the magazine? If so, share it! If not, what article would you LOVE to write?
Peanut: I would write about how Dogs can help other dogs, and I would call it “Pawses for Causes.”
Charlie: I tweeted for a bit, but couldn’t really get into it.
Are you an office dog? Is your co-worker a canine? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch on Twitter or leave a note in the comments section below!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!