Napa: What breed are you?
Max: I’m a Collie mix, and my parents (Jo and Nigel) think I’m part Beagle, too, but I was rescued by them last year at the age of nine, so they are not 100% sure.
Napa: Tell me more about working at the Sensoria Festival.
Max: I love it there and hate being left at home. The Sensoria office is in Bank Street Arts which is full of artist’s studios and creative’s offices. I can run in off lead once I’m through the front door, and all the studio holders are very lovely. It’s quite a small office, and I get loads of attention.
Napa: What is a typical day like in the Sensoria Festival office?
Max: I’ve been going there for about a year, and it was getting quite hectic before the festival. I can still take a few power naps during the day though. I think they are booking bands and films, and are ready to announce the festival programme very soon – sounds pretty exciting to tell the truth.
They stare at their computers a lot so I occasionally remind them I’m here with my classic nose nudge, and I supervise the ops meetings a lot. I’ll sit and pass my paw if anyone’s been talking too much.
If Jo has a meeting elsewhere, then I keep Dan the administrator and Nat our comms person company. They often give me treats.
Napa: Whose desk do you sit under most often?
Max: I sometimes sit under Jo’s desk. She is the director of the festival, and I have a blanket under there so I can curl up whenever I like. I do sit in front of the office door a lot though. I help out by meeting and greeting all our visitors.
Napa: When you get bored around the office (in between important in the office tasks), how do you keep busy?
Max: I have a Kong with different treats every day – sometimes I can hunt the treat, too. I go for several walks including down to the river close by so I don’t get so bored.
Napa: What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten around the office (even if you weren’t supposed to)?
Max: There is a coffee morning for studio holders each week, and I love it when we find time to go there. I sometimes get sneaky sweet treats there if I do some tricks.
Napa: What’s your favorite funny dog video? Please share the link!
Max: There are lots but I quite like this one:
I have a favorite music video too – I think Nat Johnson has a soft spot for us pooches.
Napa: Where are you from? What’s your favorite trait about the area you live in?
Max: I live in Sheffield, England. It’s a very green city which makes me happy and very close to a park where I just love playing ball and can’t wait to go there every day.
Napa: If you could tell your human co-workers anything, what would it be?
Max: I really think we should do those coffee mornings more often.
Napa: Can you share any advice for other office dogs?
Max: Remind your human co-workers that all work and no play makes for a very dull office. And if all else fails, then flinging yourself ‘belly up’ is the only way to go.
Napa: If you could create any event for the Sensoria Festival, what would you plan?
Max: I think a dog-friendly outdoor screening of Lady and the Tramp. Jo has such a soft spot for me I think that might happen one day (and Lady the Cocker Spaniel is sooo cute).
Are you an office dog? Is your co-worker a canine? Get in touch on Twitter or leave a note in the comments section if you’d like to be interviewed!

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