If you love dogs, you’ll love these funny dog tweets!
I know that most of the reason you all keep coming back is because I’m humorous. Well, that and you have a genuine interest in canine topics and office dogs. Dogs are inherently funny. Even if you think your dog leans to the serious side of things, you’re probably missing out on some of his humor.
You may or may not know that I follow a lot of dogs on Twitter. Heck, I even have a list of 125+ dogs that I share here on my blog. These dogs get social media. Some speak out for causes, some are comedians, and some just share what they’re thinking like you four-leggers tend to do. The other day as I was reading through my Twitter feed, I realized there was a ton of funny dog Tweets. I just knew I should share them here with you. It was tough to cull them down to a list of just 10 Tweets – I mean, I probably could have listed hundreds of them – but I think you’ll like what you read.
#1: Mikey
“#BeforeTwitter dogs had no way of communicating except to yell “HEY! HEY!” at you ignorant bipeds until you fed us or opened the door.”
Well, we know I’d never call my two-legged friends “ignorant bipeds,” but I can’t help but laugh at Mikey’s Tweets. This pup surely tells it how it is.
#2: Barney
“C’mon, I’m peeing icicles here. Brrrrrrr”
I can totally relate to Barney. Not only is he funny, but he’s right! Mother nature sure isn’t kind to dogs who live in snowy regions. My friends Lucy and Fenway hate going to pee in the winter because they’re such tiny dogs, and the snow always reaches their bellies!
#3: BarkingMadLab
“I mustache you a question”
Get it? He’s got a treat on for his mustache. Mustache = must ask. Too funny! How long do you think he could pause like that with the treat on his nose without eating it? I certainly wouldn’t be able to wait very long!
#4: Tess
“I’m in the dog house. Daddy said “You’re a bad bad dog for eating cat food before it goes into the cat and after it comes out of the cat.”
Do you get it? Tess was eating the cat’s food and the cat’s poop! Ha. Gross! I’m not a fan of poop eating, but some dogs are.
#5: Pickles the Doxie
“Doggie logic: If I get 1 treat I deserve 2. If I get 2 treats I deserve 3. If I get 3 treats I deserve 4. If I get 4 treats I deserve 5.”
Yes, yes, yes. This Tweet speaks right to me and makes a whole lot of sense!
#6: Sky the Dog
“Went on a 4 mi walk w master. Afterwards I drank a lake & took a 48 hour nap. I might just be a wee bit out of shape”
You think? This funny pup knows the struggle. This is exactly how I feel on my first big hike of the spring, but don’t tell my parents. I try to ask as if the trek doesn’t even phase me.
#7: Olive Kauffman
“ISO a cute boy pug with no leash attached. Must love tuna fish and watermelon rind.”
Who knew Twitter turned into a dating service? In all serious, I’m mighty proud of the way Olive was able to state succinctly exactly what she was looking for in under 140 characters.
#8: Mosey
“you’ll never know what you can achieve until you try. like stealing a muffin from a toddler.”
Ha. What a little thief.
#9: Maggie May
“I’ve been off Twitter so long I’ve forgotten, is this how you take a selfie?”
Of all these 10 funny dog Tweets, this one might be my favorite. If you ask me, this is one mighty fine selfie!
#10: Monty the Dog
“Further to the normal Walkies Obstacles (eg puppies, gun dogs, psychotic collies) today there were copulating ducks on our path by the lake”
Yikes! I’m so social that I can easily get distracted on walks with my parents. If I were to pass by copulating ducks on a walk, I would have probably tried to introduce myself to them. Not a good time to make new friends, Napa. Not a good time at all.
Aren’t these pups hilarious? They don’t have the best grammar skills, but that’s just probably the class they skipped in obedience school. If you’re looking for a good time on Twitter, there is one more dog that I must recommend you follow: me! I can’t wait until we’re friends on Twitter! Make sure to say hello!
What are some other funny dog Tweets you’ve read recently? Let me know in the comments!

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