Work Dogs: Meet Quincy From The Village Stylist

Wow, there have been so many work dogs on the blog! Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Quincy from The Village Stylist. Weighing in at only four pounds, she may be the tiniest dog I’ve ever featured on the blog, but don’t let her size fool you. She is one little lady that knows what she wants!

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Napa: What breed are you? 
Quincy: Mini Long-Haired Chihuahua

Napa: Tell me more about The Village Stylist. 
My mom, Danyca Hope Penick, is a personal stylist. She helps men dress confidently with custom shirts and personalized suiting. 

Napa: How did you get your job at The Village Stylist?
Quincy: My mom is The Village Stylist, so it was easy.  My big sister is a chocolate Labrador, and she’s a crazy nut, so mom doesn’t want to bring her in. I can also fit in my mom’s purse, so I travel well!

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 4.57.57 PMNapa: How long have you been working there?
I’ve been working since my mom started.

Napa: What is a typical day like in the The Village Stylist office? 
I watch my mom work when she is busy on her computer or phone. When she goes to the bathroom, I wait at the door with my nose underneath so I know when she is coming back. When clients come in, my job is to look extra cute.  Sometimes I forget there is nobody in, and I do it anyway. It stops my mom in her tracks!

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 4.57.37 PMNapa: I’ll bet you have a lot of job responsibilities. What is it that you do?
My primary role is to be the cutest I can possibly be.  I have a few “ultra cute” moves that really drive people crazy.

Napa: Whose desk do you sit under most often?  
I usually sit on my mom’s desk in my bed.  I only weigh 4 pounds, so I can sit pretty much anywhere!

Napa: When you get bored around the office (in between important tasks), how do you keep busy?
Quincy: S
niffing and sleeping are my other responsibilities. I do them when I’m bored.

Napa: What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten around the office (even if you weren’t supposed to)?
Mom brings crunchies in for me to eat – not too exciting, but if you’re hungry, it works!

Napa: What’s your favorite funny dog video? Please share the link!

Napa: Do you usually spend your day with the same human or different humans? Explain.
Quincy: During the school year, if I don’t go to work with mom, I’m at home with my big sister, Molly and my dad, Russ. During the summer, I usually stay at home with my other favorite people, Madison (14) and Grace (11).

Napa: What is one office task that you’re not allowed to do, but you’d secretly love to do?
Quincy: My mom takes measurements of her customers to make them custom shirts or suits.  She even has a customer who is seven feet tall! It’d be really something to be up that high. I stand about 10 inches off the floor.

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 4.57.20 PMNapa: If you could tell your human co-workers anything, what would it be? 
Quincy: Y
ou talk too much!

Napa: Can you share any advice for other office dogs?
Quincy: B
arking excessively is not going to go over well if you want to be employed full-time. My main tip is just to be cute! You will win them over every time!

Napa: What’s your signature style? Did you come to it on your own or did your human coworkers help?
My style is all about being small, brown, and ultra cute. I’m like permanent suede.

Napa: Where are you from? What’s your favorite trait about the area you live in?
I was born in New Orleans and flew all the way to Boston when I was a teeny baby. Now I live in Cumberland, R.I. 


Are you a work dog? Is your co-worker a canine? Know any work dogs? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch via email or leave a note in the comments section below!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!

About Napa 'ze Dog

My name is Napa and I'm the Lantern Content Marketing Adventure Company office dog. They create content for business blogs, so I do my part by blogging about pet stuff. My favorite topic is poop! Since you asked, I'm an F2B Miniature Goldendoodle. Everything else you want to know about me is right over here!

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