I Was in a Freshpet Commercial! Have You Seen Me?

There’s a Freshpet commercial on television, and I’m in it!

All right, I’ve been keeping a little secret from you. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you may have noticed that I took a short trip to New York City in August, and I may have proclaimed that I would soon be famous. Well, the news is out. I was in a FreshPet Commercial! No one has started begging me for autographs yet, but I’ll bet they will be soon!

You all know how much I love Freshpet, so can you imagine how honored I was that they would consider asking me to be in their next commercial.


You’re probably wondering how this all started. When my parents first told me that Freshpet was considering us for this great opportunity, I couldn’t believe it either! It was a dream come true. I remember asking my mom and dad, “How did we get the opportunity to star in a Freshpet commercial?” Well, it’s a very simple story.

I’ve told you before that I’m a picky eater. In fact, I have an ulcer, so I don’t often want to eat, and when I am hungry, I only ingest food that’s filling and healthy. After trying so many different food options, my parents found Freshpet. My whole health began to change once I started eating Freshpet for my meals. I loved the taste so much that I started eating more regularly. Also, my parents say that my coat got shinier and my mood improved, too! My parents were so moved by the changes they saw in me that they decided to write a note to Freshpet to let them know much we appreciate their product.

Well, fast forward to the present. Freshpet loves their loyal customers, and decided to create a commercial based on all the Freshpet letters written to them by Freshpet families just like us! A whole bunch of animals and their family members went to New York City to read the letters written to Freshpet.

It has been so exciting to watch the Freshpet commercials live on the television. My parents don’t let me watch too muchTV, but they made an exception this time! If you haven’t yet seen the commercials for yourself, here’s one of them. Can you find me? (Hint: Check out 0:26!)


So, I’ll bet you’re impressed, huh? Want to see a behind-the-scenes video? I’m in this clip four times! It is so fun to be on a film set. There are so many new humans around, and the best part is that they all want to talk to and play with you! Now, we all know how much I love humans, but sometimes you guys act as if you’re simply too busy when we dogs want to play with you, but not my new Freshpet friends! Everyone on the set was so wonderful. I’ll admit, even though I knew I’d one day be on television, I was a little nervous. Working with the trainer and director really made me feel at ease. My dad said I was very well-behaved on set, and I love getting compliments from my parents.

Now, of course this whole commercial couldn’t be all about me (though I wouldn’t have minded that!), so Freshpet was kind enough to invite my dad to come and read the letter we wrote to Freshpet. My dad – you can call him Patrick – also talked a little about why he likes Freshpet and how we’re a Freshpet Family. He did such a great job on tape, and I’m so proud to call him my dad.

And we took some videos of our own too! Here’s a little 3-minute diary of my day in New York!

If you haven’t tried Freshpet yet, I highly recommend it. If you have tried it, please share your favorite flavor in the comments!

Side note: Do you run a business in the pet industry? Would you like to drive more traffic and sales to your site through a search-optimized pet blog? Get in touch with my office-mates at Lantern Content Marketing!

About Napa 'ze Dog

My name is Napa and I'm the Lantern Content Marketing Adventure Company office dog. They create content for business blogs, so I do my part by blogging about pet stuff. My favorite topic is poop! Since you asked, I'm an F2B Miniature Goldendoodle. Everything else you want to know about me is right over here!

1 comments on “I Was in a Freshpet Commercial! Have You Seen Me?

  1. Napa and Patrick you guys look great on camera!!! Lucy hasn’t tried Freshpet yet but that is next on my foods to try list! Do you have a flavor that you love Napa?

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